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Getting to know...

Jorge Luis Perez Pratt

Senior Developer
Tijuana, Mexico

Jorge is a 9x Certified Salesforce professional with 6 years experience across multiple platform verticals (Sales, Insurance and Underwriting, Nonprofit) and various roles (Developer, Technical Lead, Technical Architect)
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How did you get started with Salesforce?

Given my C#/AngularJS background, a company brought me on during the Lightning/Aura transition to staff a new team for a one-off engagement. Under an ambitious timeline, we upskilled very quickly which helped us understand the value of Salesforce as a product and as a platform, so we lobbied to become a permanent team and eventually a stand-alone Salesforce consultancy.

What’s your favorite thing about building solutions with Salesforce?

The mix between the declarative/point-and-click abilities with the more powerful code-based approaches; being able to make items configurable by your end users without the huge amount of time/effort spent into interfaces is truly the secret sauce that puts your users in the driver’s seat of their own platform. Additionally, as a developer there’s so many tools you can use to approach and solve a problem, it really sparks my creative spirit.

What energizes you at work?

I love a good challenge; taking time in understanding a problem and breaking it apart, choosing out tools and working out solutions, talking about approaches with coworkers it all fills me with drive to make things happen.

Name a work achievement you’re proud of.

At a previous engagement we tackled an important Einstein Bot implementation for a Top-3 Videogame publisher to streamline their consumer support experience across multiple regions and languages. Even as my first posting in that company I assumed the technical lead discussions and eventually steered the solution myself, it is something that players interact with today which both makes me proud and is incredibly humbling.
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Who or what inspires you?

Making tools that make a impact in people’s time, as well as helping people learn and understand the tools they already have to achieve their goals.

What’s one thing you’re learning now? (professional or personal)

Professionally, I recently learned a lot about CRM Analytics, which sparked a previous interest in BI/Visualization tools.
Personally, as my mom and grandmother have gotten older I have been trying to learn a lot of their family recipes both as a means of keeping traditions alive but also to share with friends and take on new ones.
What three words would your friends use to describe you?
Talkative, loyal, storyteller


What’s something you love about the place you live?

Tijuana is a big city with a little bit of everything, so it’s always bustling with new businesses and activities to try out; if I had to narrow it down it would definitely be the attitude of people. Everyone is always very welcoming, they will treat you as long-time friend even if they’ve just met you, and they’re never too serious about themselves.
What could we find you doing outside of work?
Playing video games would be the main one, but probably you would find me trying out a new food spot or at a café reading a book in a comfy couch; I’m also a big believer in naps and one-man raves with my headphones on or while sweeping the house.

What trend do you hope makes a comeback?

Hanging out with friends spontaneously and unstructured; current life and cities make it very difficult to text friends 10 minutes in advance and just turn up at their house to chat, play video games and gossip/listen to music.

What’s your go-to karaoke song?

Vasos Vacíos by Los Fabulosos Cadillacs and Celia Cruz
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