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Zach Matek portrait photo



Principal Consultant
Alexandria, VA

Zach is a former Sales professional turned Salesforce professional. He spent time in Sales Operations before consulting and solutioning on the platform. Zach has worked with organizations of all sizes and wide variety of industries improving business processes and scaling systems via a human-centered design approach.
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How did you get started with Salesforce?

I initially worked in Sales as an end user. A Master’s program in Geographic Information Systems introduced me to coding and relational databases. Turned that interest in technology and systems into a passion and career with Salesforce.

What’s your favorite thing about building solutions with Salesforce?

I enjoy the depth and complexity of the platform. No one person can know everything, but with the right due diligence we can craft well architected solutions to any challenge rooted in logic. There’s enough complexity on the platform where intelligent creative problem-saving supersedes onerous labor. In a nutshell, we can deliver folks elegant solutions by focusing on value levers and harnessing a wide toolbox of resources.

What energizes you at work?

The people I work with!

Name a work achievement you’re proud of.

Not sure if there is one thing that stands out to me. I find myself to be a bit perfectionist, never quite satisfied and always needing to improve. I’m proud of the work that Rosetree delivers. Surrounded by a talented group of folks experienced on the platform, our clients and partners receive top quality.
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Who or what inspires you?
Kazuo Ishiguro – one of the best novelists alive today!
What’s one thing you’re learning now? (professional or personal)
I’m a voracious reader in almost every genre particularly philosophy, history, science, and fiction. So, I suppose that’s learning ha. If I come across something I find interesting, I dive into the topic headfirst, read everything I can until I get bored and start learning something else. The topics as of late have been Russian and Chinese history in the 1900s.

What three words would your friends use to describe you?

Goofy, Organized, Witty


What’s something you love about the place you live?
I’ve lived in Washington DC for the past 8 years and just moved to Alexandria. Love the diversity in this area. We have some of the best food in the country from around the world, and I love to eat.
What could we find you doing outside of work?
Reading, writing, hiking, cooking, dining, music, concerts, repeat.
What trend do you hope makes a comeback?
The trend of living mindfully before social media took over the world.

What’s your go-to karaoke song?

You Love – The Outfield

Thanks for letting us get to know you better, Zach – you energize us at work too!