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Technical Architect
Billings, MT

With 7+ years of experience in the Salesforce ecosystem, and several more years writing software programs, Jesse brings a passion for solution engineering and problem solving to all of his projects.
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How did you get started with Salesforce?

Like many others, I stumbled into it entirely by accident! I started working with Salesforce in the non-profit sector in 2015. Since then, I’ve had the opportunity to work on projects small and large across different industries like high tech, retail and financial services.

What’s your favorite thing about building solutions with Salesforce?

Building on Salesforce enables a kind of velocity I haven’t found in other platforms and this makes it easy to deliver immense functionality quickly.

What energizes you at work?

I love being a part of a team that’s building resilient and malleable software. Like a non-newtonian fluid, software solutions should withstand high pressures but be adaptable to change.

Name a work achievement you’re proud of.

Building a real-time, high-volume, alert system for a public transit authority. The project “scratched the itch” of both being technically challenging and helping improve a public service.
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Who or what inspires you?
My grandmother – she’s the most selfless person I know.
What’s one thing you’re learning now? (professional or personal)
I’m diving back into the realm of functional programming paradigms – it’s a ton of fun evaluating different ways to think and approach problems.

What three words would your friends use to describe you?

Passionate, Empathetic, Generous


What could we find you doing outside of work?
Most of my free time is spent with my kids, but I also enjoy concert-going, playing music, fishing, and spending time outside in the Montana landscape.
What trend do you hope makes a comeback?
Even though you wouldn’t see them when meeting virtually, JNCO jeans.

What’s your go-to karaoke song?

Tubthumping by Chumawamba

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