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Sr. Project Manager
San Diego, CA

James is a 11x Salesforce Certified Senior Project Manager with 11+ years of experience working with the Salesforce platform delivering complex, multi-cloud solutions.
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How did you get started with Salesforce?

I left medical school of my own volition and asked myself what I would enjoy doing and could be successful at. I targeted consulting for its consistent intellectual challenge, variety, and relationship component. I found my way to a small, local Salesforce Partner and began work as a Business Analyst and Salesforce Consultant. I quickly discovered my love and strength for Project and Engagement Management and transitioned to that full time.

What’s your favorite thing about building solutions with Salesforce?

No two projects are fully alike, regardless of Salesforce products being employed nor the industry and vertical of the client. Being able to offer solutions designed specifically around each business’ systems, people and process but drawing on past experience is rewarding.

What energizes you at work?

Knowing that someone’s life will be made easier by an implementation drives me to lead engagements as well as possible. I want to ensure we are bettering each client’s existing processes and configuring and developing impactful and well-received solutions.

Name a work achievement you’re proud of.

I am a modest guy. Overall, I would say I am proud of the career I have built, especially without a technical background and having career-switched just over 11 years ago.
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Who or what inspires you?
My daughter inspires me daily – children have a unique, untarnished and pure view of the world and kids easily experience and express joy. They find fun and positivity in almost anything and most are naturally friendly and kind. She reminds me to not lose sight of these things even as an adult.
What’s one thing you’re learning now? (professional or personal)
I am learning the ukulele so I can effectively teach my daughter.

What three words would your friends use to describe you?

Honest, loyal and outgoing.


What’s something you love about the place you live?
San Diego truly has unbelievable weather and having close coastal access is soul nourishing. The pace of life here is laid back but everybody is still getting things done.
What could we find you doing outside of work?
I am likely playing, performing or teaching Jazz Piano in Southern California and swimming, mountain biking, running, or cooking.
What trend do you hope makes a comeback?
I would like to see people focusing more on non-digital experiences in their personal lives and to be more active in the outdoors during childhood and the teenage years, setting the pattern for ensuring there is enough time off devices and getting outside.

What’s your go-to karaoke song?

Tough one! Come Fly with Me

James has helped lead and guide many of our complex projects since he joined.
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